Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Eliminate Acne From Your Life With These Tips

Acne can cause scars and make many people uncomfortable in social settings. Although it's usually seen in teenagers, acne breakouts can last well into adulthood. This article will help you understand the reason acne occurs and the steps you can take to treat and prevent it.

If suffering from acne, avoid excessive sunlight exposure and tanning beds. As you may know, direct sunlight is not always beneficial to acne. Sunbeds emit UV light, and that is very detrimental when attempting to treat acne. If you have acne, it's generally not a good idea to tan.

A great home remedy to relieve acne is honey. By using some honey and cinnamon, you can make a mixture for your face. After it sits on your face for five to ten minutes, your skin will be rid of excess oil and water.

Although there is not a 100% guarantee that you can prevent acne flair-ups, you can do a few things that will help prevent them. It is important to keep hair care products off of your skin as much as humanly possible. The oils contained in these products are highly concentrated and can increase the likelihood of flair-ups.

Using skin care products that contain only natural ingredients are especially important if you're acne prone. The main ingredients in many skin care products on the market are chemicals that can dry out or irritate skin. Strong chemical ingredients also leach excessive amounts of oil out of your skin. Then, your skin just makes more oil to replace what is lost, aggravating the acne you are trying to cure.

It is common knowledge that stress aggravates your acne condition. It's an unfortunate fact but, thankfully, numerous methods exist which can help decrease your stress levels. Yoga and tai chi are both great ways to decrease your stress level.

Letting sweat dry on your skin is just asking for acne trouble. If you let sweat stay on your skin, your pores will get clogged up. Take a shower for around fifteen minutes if you have been sweating a lot.

Your hands contain dirt and oils, so whenever possible avoid touching your face. Break yourself of unconsciously bringing your hand to your face, as well. Acne is caused when oil and dirt clog your pores, resulting in inflammation.

There's no absolutely surefire way to avoid acne, but there are ways to reduce your chances of breaking out. Try to keep hair spray and gel away from your face's skin as much as you can. Most hair products that are widely available contain high concentrations of oils which can cause acne flair-ups.

If you suffer from regular breakouts, you should increase how many times that you cleanse your face each day. Wash your face every morning and every night to prevent oil and dead cells from building up.

Acne can be exacerbated by tanning. This includes tanning in artificial light. You may be aware of how direct sunlight can aggravate your acne. The UV light that comes from the sunbeds have the same unwanted effects on acne that natural sunlight has. Tanning is a bad thing to do when you are going through acne trouble.

Consider buying featherless or hypo-allergenic pillows if you have facial acne. Feather pillows can be irritating. Using one may worsen your acne symptoms. When sleeping you should also keep your hands away from your face because keeping your hands against your face while sleeping can cause breakouts.

One of the best things that you can do to cover the blemishes on your face is to use a blemish stick. Blemish sticks allow you to pinpoint blemishes that you wish to hide. Blemish sticks are usually not as thick as concealers and should not clog your pores badly.

Do not drink alcohol on a regular basis. Alcohol is alright if you are drinking it to celebrate and at moderated levels, or even having a glass of wine with dinner or other similar circumstances, but when consuming a lot of alcohol often, you will find that your skin reacts through acne that is difficult to treat.

Stop using teeth whiteners. If you have acne around your mouth, perhaps you are reacting to food or to something you use to clean your teeth. Some people get acne from toothpastes or mouth washes. Remember that the skin around the mouth is extremely sensitive.

One very good way to reduce acne is to drink plenty of pure, filtered water. Be sure you are drinking enough water each day. Aim for 6 to 8 glasses every day. Dead skin cells clog your pores and are a cause of acne.

Honey is a great home remedy for ridding your skin of acne. Mix honey and cinnamon together, then apply the mixture to your face and allow it to dry for five to ten minutes. Once you have rinsed it off, you will notice that your skin is smoother and free of excess oils.

Apply ice as soon as you notice that you have a pimple forming. Wrap it in a paper towel to prevent further skin damage. Ice is a nice, free way to fight redness and swelling. If you are hurting in that area, the ice will take the pain away too. Ice is also a great alternative to topical anti-inflammatory products, as it eliminates the need for you to apply chemicals to your skin that could actually irritate acne more.

If you've given in to the urge to pop a pimple, apply Neosporin to the area. Neosporin has properties that reduce irritation and redness associated with open pimples. Just apply a bit on a Q-Tip and leave it on the area. Take care not to apply too much product.

There is a good chance that your acne is directly related to the stress in your life. Give yourself some time everyday to unwind and relax. Relaxing and doing activities you enjoy will reduce your stress, which will balance the hormones that have been causing the acne. Caffeine and nicotine can cause you to have more acne.

Sometimes it can be tempting to pick at your face or scratch an itch, but your hands contain oils and dirt that can transfer to your face. When the pores get filled with dirt it will cause pimples.

Acne can hurt your social life, because of embarrassment. You can also get bad scars form acne. Follow the information provided in this article to prevent and treat acne and avoid the consequences.

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